Thursday, March 27, 2008

Let's go organic

In this new age, advanced beauty regimen is the IN thing. Every beauty institute comes out with anti aging products, whitening products or anything that can smoothen the skin and would make you look close to perfect. For me, it's what you call vainness with a cause.

I am guilty of being vain at times but not the irritating vainness. I can sometimes tolerate it and sometimes not. I would never think twice of trying out new products which I think would work on me. Too bad, I have such sensitive skin that I can't really commit to the regimen much as I want too. Even Shiseido's facial wash irritates my skin. So for now, I just want to go organic. Atleast it is cheaper and everyone can try it at the comfort of their own home.

Since I started to work on the nightshift, it gave me more freedom to spend longer time in the bathroom, in our room and just put on different creams on my face and hair. I was unable to do this before, hubby gets piss off with the scent of different creams.

Now, allow me to share my uncomplicated yet time consuming beauty au naturel regimen.

Before sleeping, I make sure that I have already showered, brushed my teeth and changed into my sleepwear. Prior to hitting the bed, I make sure that my face was cleansed with my very own *green tea toner and my hair glazed perfectly with VCO. I also use green tea for my **last wash before heading off to work.

So you see, primping yourself is not all that costly. Just be wise and embrace tbe beauty of organic treatments.

* What you need for the Green Tea toner

1 mug of hot water

2 green tea bags

1 crushed Vitamin C tablet- I prefer using the Vitamin C tablet with Rosehip 500 mg

To do:

1. Steep your 2 green tea bags for about an hour

2. add a crushed (powdered) Vit C tablet to your hot green tea (optional)

3. Stir

4. Chill in the refrigerator

5. Apply on your face and neck using a cotton or spray it directly to your face and neck. Whichever you prefer

You will notice change in your skin texture after awhile. Your skin becomes supple.

** Green Tea last wash after bathing

normally, I would reuse the tea bag I have previously steeped. I cut open the teabags and pour boiling water on a mug. Strain it using a sieve and tranfer on our "tabo". Let it cool and add some more water. Then wash your face and body with it. You will notice that your skin will lighten after continuous usage.

*** For softer hair

I normally wax my hair with Virgin Coconut Oil and leave it there while I sleep. Afterwards, wash normally with shampoo and conditioner

-for a weekly use, I mix 1/4 c honey and 1/4 c extra virgin olive oil. Cover with shower cap and leave it for about an hour. Then rinse.

****for a rosy skin... use fresh tomatoes

What to do:

Cut a tomato into half and gently rub on your face. Let it stay for 15 mins then rinse with your preferred facial cleanser. Tomatoes work wonder. They can make our skin whiter, smoother and rosier. It is best for treating pimple marks and blackheads.

Other organic beauty regimen will be posted soon. Hope it helps. :)



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