Thursday, March 20, 2008


Let me share something kinda eerie that has been happening to me for about a week. I've been having this strange feeling of being strangled. It happens every 1 am onwards. I feel that I am always running out of air, I would then just walk around and take a deep breath in between. Just last night, I told my friend that I keep on having this feeling that someone/something is trying to choke me. She said that I need to offer a prayer which I did. I've come to the decision that I will also try to trade place with my seatmate. Just to see if everything would be okay.

I've been keeping tab of time, 1 am is nearing and I was observing, till I totally lost track of it. I've noticed that its already 1:22 am, no choking sensation or whatsover. What can u say about that??? Isn't spooky?

I have a history of ghostly encounter in the night shift years ago. There would be times that someone would pass by and hold my hair, it will sometimes pull it and when I look back, all I see is a fading shadow of a girl in white. There was even this incident when my brush was missing, a big roller brush take note. Then hours would pass by, I would just feel a pricking sensation on my butt, to see that I've been sitting on my brush.... miraculously. Other encounters happened, I can't barely keep tab. Till I finally transferred to the morning shift and stayed there for 4 yrs. Everything was perfect. No eerie events. And now that I am back in GY, has that mysterious being resurfaced? I've heard few days ago that there's an entity that has been touching hairs, and they happen to be located near my pod. geezzzzz poltergeist!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

On a lighter note. I was surfing on different products of ilog maria that I am planning to purchase online. I read this on our forum and it was highly recommended. They have great products that can boost your immune system.

Currently, I am devotee of honey. I mix one spoonful of it in my water. I am loving the ritual and hope that it would really help me fight any possible sickness brought about by my lack of sleep. For honey users, I say Sue Bee is the best.

Below are the benefits of honey:

* When eaten daily, pure honey will reduce your body's susceptibility to infections.

* Many doctors recommend equal parts of honey, lemon and whiskey as an extremely effective cough syrup.

* Because of honey's fructose content, many claim it is a cure for a hangover.

* Sore throats-- Swallowing a teaspoon of honey may soothe a sore throat or cough.* Boost your daily supply of antioxidants by eating honey.

* If you're feeling tired and need a boost of energy, stir a spoonful of honey into a glass of water or add honey and fresh fruit to yogurt for a power-packed snack!

* Honey is a great source of vitamins and minerals, such as vitamin B6, thiamin, niacin, riboflavin and pantothenic acid.



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