Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Reviews and Birthday

I am a believer and I am proud of it! Ilog Maria products really deliver. Since I am so susceptible to different illnesses, I opted to use their products as a substitute for taking different medications. At least this one is safe since it is made from natural honey.

Below are my feedbacks on the Ilog Maria products that I have already tried.

1. Virgin Honey- I’ve been a strong believer of honey’s benefits whether it be for beauty or health purposes. Other than using it on my face and hair, I also use it as a natural sweetener on my tea. Good thing about Ilog Maria’s virgin honey is that it comes in its purest form, unheated and unfiltered. So you are guaranteed that the freshness is sealed on its container. For those who work in the graveyard shift, it greatly helps because it feeds and heals our liver and can boost our energy. It can also cure asthma, flu, cuts, burns, fatigue, anemia and a lot of things.

Normally, I take a table spoon of this before breakfast (plus a dosage of bee propolis). When you do this regularly, it helps in cleaning your digestive tract.

2. Bee Propolis-they said this is the only powerful probiotic available in the country. A powerful antioxidant. When you say probiotic, what does it mean? Probiotics are good bacterias that promote good digestion and strengthen our immune system. When your have a weak immune system, you are prone to different illnesses, you get sick and viruses can attack you easily.

When you take the propolis, it may taste a little bit eeeky, not that much, can be likened to sipping a lambanog. Its because the propolis was made with aged organic coconut brandy. It is said to be effective in the abatement of rhinitis, tuberculosis, bronchitis, laryngitis, gingivitis (and other illnesses with “TIS” j/k!) also with ulcer and infection of the urinary tract, kidney and gall bladder.

Take about 1 ml or 25 to 30 drops of bee propolis, if possible with your virgin honey (if not available, with juice, water or milk)

Since it is also safe for children, those who are 1 yr and above can take the same dosage as that with the adult’s dosage. If you feel that you are about to get sick and you feel the symptoms of getting colds or fever, take the doses every hour.

3. Bee Pollen- this one really tastes kinda weird. I haven’t eaten a bird or chicken feeds, yet I think it kinda taste the same with bee pollen. But don’t mind the taste because it has great benefits. It is good as a multivitamin supplement and gives you energy. Did you know that it can also prevent prostate cancer for men? Uhuhhh. Convince now? I normally take this before meal.

4. Feminine Wash- I so love this product! Promise! It is also made from propolis gold so it makes it antifungal. It has this fresh feeling after you use it. It smells and looks like a glycerin soap. I think it is not available n liquid form yet. It is a must buy for every girls out there.

5. Propolis Cider Liniment- this is a great substitute for bengay. It soothes tired muscles and other aches and pains.

6. Propolis throat spray- I bring this in my bag everyday. If you feel like you have an itchy throat, spray it directly and you would witness that it eases the itchiness. It can also help prevent cough and colds. It also acts as a breath freshener and good for the gums.

7. Bamboo Charcoal and Bergamot Lime soap- I have this but I haven’t used it yet. Will post review after I’ve tried it. It claims to whiten skin and can beat common skin illnesses.

8. Rosemary Soap- I use this on my scalp during my days off. They said it relieves headaches and depression. Isn’t that cool?

Other products that I want to try soon are: the royal jelly, their milk and honey soap, their lip balm and of course their mosquito repellant. But I’ll be sure to stock on the honey, propolis and throat spray.
Bonus: I’ve included some of the pictures taken on my birthday.
I just came from work (gy shift) I dozed off a little bit. Just woke up and gave my "pa-cutest"smile

Just a birthday pose

With my big pizza

horsing around with daddy



Len said...

i tried the bamboo charcoal soap once, the honey bee scrub with oatmeal and even the mositurizer... pero dahil wala na kong kasamang mag order(saving on the shipping charge kc), di na naulit. a friend used the lip balm and she just love it! :)

Len said...

btw, happy birhtday acey! :)