Other than writing today, since it is my day off, I am planning on making my own shake. I just bought cucumber, carrots and apples to use for my shake. I so love carrot shake but could never take a carrot juice which tasted like bland tomato paste. So I'll customize one for myself instead. After that, I will probably work out and then prepare dinner for my lovey dovey.
Last night, we attended mass, it was Palm Sunday. Mass was about to end when I suddenly felt a stabbing pain in my stomach. It was so horrible. I wanted to puke, I felt cold and greatly nauseated. We went home then and it lasted for another 2 hours. I've been having this strange "illness" since i was transferred to the graveyard shift. You see, I have a very weak immune system and graveyard is not really for me. I am still finding ways on how I can get a nicer shift. Oh please God, help me find a way. I just dont want to resign. Yucky it may sound but, I kinda love my job.... my little conscience is making a side comment, " You don't love ur job. You are just used to complancency". Hell yeah, my conscience was right. I think I am really complacent. I had this job for over 8 yrs now and I've gain a lot of friends whom I cannot turn my back on right away. Not to mention that it pays well. hmmmm what to do what to do?????? Hope by the end of the week I'll learn how to beautify this blog.
I'll try to post a picture for sample. I still dont know how to post a picture for the about me section. see yah, be back if i have something to blab about.
missing bora

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