Hello there! It's been more than a month of no blogging. I've been too busy with my Dell technical training that I practically didn't have any time to even update my blog. Training is fun but "nosebleeding" at the same time. Good thing about it is the fulfillment you get from knowing how computers behave.
Sad part of my training is the lesser time I can spend with hubby since we are working on different shifts. I am happy though that I was given a temporary (8 weeks) of sat-sun day off. So we just try to make every weekends memorable. hehehe.
I also dedicate this particular posting to my "Godmother" Avelina "bella" Felix who is the beloved mom of my good friend Gara. She passed away the night of July 12. I was in the ICU the afternoon of that day and I never thought that I would actually cry that hard. I felt the misery and longing of my friend Gara. A day before she had the "accident" and was sent to the ICU, which was on a thursday, "Mommy" even sent me a home cooked ginataang mais which I really like. I know she is happy now with our Creator. Her death maybe sudden but her life was well-lived.
On a lighter note this time, I have a new arm candy. I so love it, till when, I don't know. This a smaller version of the one I have posted a few months back. Summer in the city bag
Sunday, July 20, 2008
Happy and Sad news
Friday, June 13, 2008
Tired me
I miss the fun days every time I go off from work. I specially miss the time that I spend with hubby. This makes it so limited now due to different skeds. I sleep all by myself now every weekdays. I am not complaining, i know that this is just a temporary set up (say 2 months, darn!). Who am I to complain right? There are lotsa people in the world who has no work and here I am complaining about my tiring training and work.
On the other hand, much as how tired I am, I miss attending a classroom set up training. Its been years since I last attended my masteral class and I miss studying and not really working. If its only possible that I can just attend training over and over again and not to go to the production floor anymore. ~wishful thinking~
Gotta go back to my side job, need to finish it. tata for now
Sunday, June 8, 2008
Saturday, June 7, 2008
On top of my busy training sched, I am back again in writing. I have a specific task this week, I dont know yet if I can do full time just like before. I have lots of things to do lately and I spend my time after work just resting.
Today, I just learned that Rudy Fernandez already died. I am not a fan, but it saddens me knowing that after everything his family has done to treat his cancer, he still died. Death is not really a cool thing but everyone would eventually go back to Our creator. Hope everyone gets to enjoy their life before this inevitable happens.
Monday, May 26, 2008
Foodie and others
I am blogging with a heavy heart. I am removing my ads for some undisclosed reason. Other bloggers may know the reason why, so I won't elaborate and dwell on it. It even came to a point wherein I wanted to shut down my blog but I've realized that it's not worth doing it. This blog was created for my love of writing so I wish to continue the so-called-battle, hehehe.
Today is Memorial Day in US so daddy is with me at home, doh technically he is still working. I am happy as usual because I get to spend extra time with him. During days where we can spend time more, we make it a point to really bond. We were both craving for something Italian and Mediterranean. In the morning, we dropped by at Bretto’s, it’s the only deli I know in our place which has a restaurant as well as a grocery with countless imported meats, steaks, cold cuts and cheese! I bought 200 grams of Mozzarella cheese and Cheddar cheese plus some cuts of Balony and nice warm bread with a weird shape. I hurriedly made our late breakfast,my own version of Submarine sandwich. It has several pieces of balony, onion rings, tomatoes, butter, mayo and layers and layers of melted Mozzarella and chedder cheese. It was heaven; I was able to make 5 servings of it. It was almost finished when I realized I forgot to put some ketchup on it. Darn! Anyhoo, it was still a great sandwich.
By afternoon, we decided to visit Molly Malones in Fields Avenue which offers international cuisine including Indian. We miss so much the Cheese Tosai we had at Little India. Tosai is a pan grilled Indian bread that tasted so good. It has melted cheese inside with different variety of dips. But this bread is not available locally, so we opted to buy Papad and Naan Bread instead.
Papad is a toasted flat crisp, pressed with mild Indian Spices. This particular bread is very tasty, distinctly Indian. The Naan is a round shape leavened grilled bread. For 40 pesos, its kinda pricey considering it has the same size and consistency as with the Shawarma bread but definitely taste better. Its grilled to perfection, comes with a garlic sauce dip and salsa. It can also be taken with mozzarella cheese or dip it with olive-basil-soysauce dip.
The small tortilla like is the papad and Naan is the Shawarma-like bread.
And oh I am so happy that our PSP actually worked for internet access via WIFI. I just tried it yesterday at home and I am using it tonight as well. See, I was able to even access my blog. :)
Its not really yucky but some of you might not be used to seeing unusual procedures done to any human. Below is my brother’s hand after an operation he had these past weeks. A metal wire/stick was inserted inside his hand due to a broken and chipped hand bone with 4 or 5 stapler (it’s the term used as it looks like a stapler) in it. Its not really that clear coz he was just cleaning it when I took the picture, the betadine almost covered it.

Wednesday, May 21, 2008
Barely a few days ago, I was blogging about my mom and brother’s condition. Though they were admitted for almost a week on two different hospitals, they were both released last Saturday. You can feel the happy ambiance at our home last Saturday afternoon. It has been a full week of not being together in our place, almost all days and nights were spent in the hospitals instead. Now both of them are recuperating. It’s like we have not undergone any dilemma over the past week. Every worry was erased.
One thing I have learned, God will not give us problems that we can’t handle. Understand that everything that you have experienced will eventually benefit you in the end. We have to face reality that life is not always heaven, we are surrounded by different issues that would tend to complicate our lives and yet, we must put a good attitude of being watchful yet careful and thankful. Watch our actions and our words. Watch even our health because we only have one body and we must take care of it. I can’t thank God enough for helping us through this course. The gloomy week was over and everyone is now happy. :)
Yes, it’s true that “Everything must be done with a thankful heart and let resentment never be a part of your life”. Surely you would realize all the blessings in your life come pouring in. Even tragic moments has good outcome for sure.
I have a super big wish in my heart, it sometimes brings me so much pain when I realize that it’s not yet happening but this only means that I have expressed dissatisfaction over Gods’ way. Now I am constantly reminding myself that God will give it to me in His most sweet time. As early as now, I am so thankful to God for my big wish, that I know, sooner or later, He will surely grant it.
Thursday, May 15, 2008
Playing the Game of Life
Sometimes, life can be likened to a big production number or a movie where you play the role of an actor and its up to you on how to make it worthwhile and entertaining, amidst any possible hindrances along the way.
It's been almost a week of no blogging, we have been faced with one of the greatest and difficult role. My mom just had her gall bladder removed due to build up of stone. It was quite big for the normal size, I actually took a picture of the gall bladder when it was removed as well as when it was cut open to reveal the stone. I will probably post the picture, doh I am not really sure if it will be a pleasant sight for my readers. Tell me ur thoughts, or you may want to skip the picture part and I will just place a disclaimer. Fair enough? I had the privilege of seeing this because the surgeon is a family friend and my Godmother. During my mom's ordeal, she had complications with her sugar as well as with her unstable blood pressure. It fluctuated from 180/90 to 70/80 which was really dangerous. She was in the OR and recovery room from 2:30 PM till almost 10:00 PM. She cried and told us she already saw blue skies and clouds. Added to this, two of the patients next to her died on the same day.
While my mom was on the recovery room, my brother had an “accident”. I was notified that he was in the Emergency Room around 9:00 PM. You can obviously see that he was in deep pain. His hand was swollen and 3 fingers can't be move. It turns out that his hand bone (hahaha I dont know the term, I'll be accurate once I get a hold of the clinical summary) and needs to be screwed. It was really in such a bad state. He just had his operation today. I hope that both of them will recover real soon.
I often wonder why sometimes bad luck strikes all at the same time. But during this past few days of analyzing our situation, I came to accept that everything was meant to happen. I requested for a member data record for my mom but decided to work on my brother's MDR as well without even thinking that it would soon be useful. He was in eternal bliss just a week ago, got engaged and now, he has someone to actually take care of him while mom is recuperating herself. Money maybe a challenge over these two operations yet, it wasn't even hard to cash out when you needed to. It might be a difficult period for us but we know that SOMEONE has been helping us and made it so easy to bear.
God is indeed good. I saw how united our family was, saw our real friends who was there to help out. Even visitors who genuinely took time to cheer us up. It was so overwhelming. We can't ask for more. We are so thankful. Out trials revealed to us that we can champion any situation as long as we want to and let God lead the way. Trials do come and go, its just a matter of how you deal and react with it.
Then if you are to ask yourself “ Why does God allow us to go through trying, difficult and painful times in our life?” Just remember that everything has a purpose. He may prevent it but he let us see the divine reason behind all these hardships we encounter. It helps us build our character more and makes us strong to withstand any storms in our life.
Lastly, count all your blessings instead of hardships. When face with a difficult situation, play it well. Make it entertaining, count all the joy. When you are tired and unable to fight anymore, let go. God will help you conquer all the trials in your life. :)
According to the famous line in the “ Smiling Pasta” series : JUST SMILE AND THERE'S NOTHING YOU CAN'T OVERCOME.
Saturday, May 10, 2008
Fall In Love with Cinnabon
Hubby just got back from his overnight stay in Manila and he brought me a yummy treat. He was bringing a box of Cinnabon Stix with cream cheese dip. For dinner, I chowed down on three sticks right away. It helps that cream cheese dip was there since I am not really a fan of sweet treats. But Cinnabon was just so good that you can't really resist it.
Below are the Cinnabon Stix andCinna Packs perfect for lighter appetites. They are lightly dusted with sugar and Cinnabon's own Makara Cinnamon.
Next time, I would like to try the Caramel Pecanbon. I can actually imagine the warm cinnabon dough topped with pecans right in front of me.
I haven't done anything productive today. I've been thinking about possible opportunities to take, added to that, I've been preoccupied with my mom's upcoming surgery. I know everything would be okay. It's just that I am not used to see her helpless (coz she can be really hyper at times). I've been thinking about work also, on what's in store for us. Hay life... So how do I equip myself with the new task offered to us? I think as early as now (since it officially starts on June 1) I need to clearly define my attitude towards work. How will it affect my career and role in the company (not that I'm expecting a big change, okay?)
The way we think and the way we behave towards work can make a big difference. If we practice possitivity with every changes around us (including our current job) I bet we will be more happy and less whiny over things being implemented by our company. We all have our share of setbacks but then again with a positive outlook, it will help us deal with it easily. All we need to do is to convince ourselves that we can actually do it. Positive thinking is a cliche nowadays ( specially when you talk about ramp down at work) but what can you do but to just count your blessings, that you are able to surpass challenges and everything is well. What can be worse, right?
So believe in yourself, awaken that passion, do some action and reach for your goal. :) You can do it, kid! Yes, you can do it, Ace!
Friday, May 9, 2008
Good Bye, Jason!

Much as I thought that it would be a heart breaking exit, I just saw the coolest exit in American Idol. You would often see contestants crying their heart's out during elimination but Jason is way too cool to do this. You could see on his face how relieved he was to be finally out of the competition. Jason may not have the greatest voice among the idol, but he is definitely the most laid back and genuine singer among the contestants. Never would you see a frown on his face even when he is bombarded with not so good comments. Sad part is that many would surely miss seeing his soulful eyes on screen, including me.
Some articles have mentioned that he already loss the urge to be on top, but hey, he was never a diva. He sings from the heart. He got what he want, to be sent off and he was happy with that. It was even funny when he said he already packed his bags for he wouldn't know what to sing next week should he still be in the contest. Good Bye, Jason. You're the best ever contestant I have seen in the Idol history. Your good nature and happy disposition shine through. :)
Wednesday, May 7, 2008
When do you consider something an addiction? Addiction as defined by Merriam-Webster is to devote or surrender oneself to something habitually.
So do you consider yourself addicted to Starbucks if you can't resist the urge almost everyday to visit the coffee shop and spend your hard earned money over their drinks? Even when it's almost closing time? Seriously, we have to submit ourselves to Starbucks-buying-ban soon! I was just blogging about saying NO to it and here we are again, enjoying our sinfully good treats from Starbucks. Again, how can we be a millionaire (refer to previous postings) if we keep on spending over their coffees? Anyways, I am not addicted to it, its hubby but whenever he asks me to drop by at Starbucks, I at first say no but when we are already there, I see myself ordering as well. :( Talk about self control. Each time i say its enough, he would tell me that he just want to enjoy the time that we can spend a day/night normally and do a little celebration. I am not a coffee drinker and yet can’t resist gourmet coffees hehehe. But I go for tea blends.
Pictured below are sinfully good Hot White Choco Mocha, Strawberries and Crème Frappe and a Mocha Waffle.
On our less than an hour stay in SM, I was able to buy some hair treatments. For a non rebonded hair like mine, my hair can really get so frizzy on bad days. It sucks. My hair can look rebonded after a cellophane treatment which is advisable to be done every month but would it be wise to spend P2,500 each month for that? Of course not. That’s about P30,000 in a year you can spend it instead over a retirement pay. So other than opting once in a while for an organic treatment of honey and olive oil (which is kinda messy) I decided to try other easy to use home treatments. Seen below is a one minute milk hot oil treatment. It smells so sweet, like a powdered milk but I still don’t know if its good. I also bought 2 trial packs of Yogurt treatment wax in strawberry flavor. It says it can tame frizzy hair, lets see. I hope they are effective salon treatments at home. I will post reviews once I’ve tried them on.
Talk about addiction, I used to be addicted to buying rubber shoes. But I was able to control it now. Just recently, I have blogged about the nice wedges that I have been looking for. I found one that fits me so well but…. there seems to be a problem, one shoe is bigger. There must have been a problem when they packed it because seriously the other one is a size bigger. So they are not really a pair. Too bad that I really like them that I cannot let it pass again. But how the hell would I wear a pair that is not really a pair? So I opted for the next size. I bought the wedge one size bigger than my regular and they seriously are big for me. When I tried them on, it’s not really comfortable when walking so I decided to remedy it with 2 corks each shoe instead. Hehehe.
See although I don’t like Shaina, I love her wedge here:
I’ve got the same one just like Shaina! I love them. I can see myself maturing (in terms of shoe preference only) already, because I am fascinated with girly shoes nowadays.
This is so OT. I was watching American Idol’s Top 4 earlier and I can see Jason Castro saying goodbye this week. He is still my favorite but I don’t see him in the top 3 spot anymore. I hope he survived this week but its either him or Syesha. He did not get a very good review from the 3 idol judges. I am just so sad. He did not exert extra effort. He sings well but not very competitive. Sad Sad Sad.
Hafta end this now.
Sunday, May 4, 2008
Wedge, anyone?
I've been too busy with work. As in! In between work, I have been surfing on different wedge shoes and on where to possibly order online. Let me post these wedges that I really so adore.
The first one is a Mango wedge which I saw last year on Mango shops. Too bad that even in Manila, I dont have their size and I do not see it displayed in their shops nowadays. :(
I forgot the second one's brand. The third one is a Gucci and the last one comes from the Jessica Simpson's shoe collection.
So let your look and style sizzle with this hottest shoes of the year. Wedges were reintroduced and can be seen everywhere worn not only by stars but every girls who want to look chic and yet comfortable. Design ranges from casual to elegant and can be worn on every possible outfit. They are extremely fashionable. So make sure to consider them on your next shopping trip. :)
Saturday, May 3, 2008
I Just can't help it!!!!!!!!!!!!
I asked hubby to take me to Starbucks just this afternoon (he also likes it naman eh,lolz). I just miss it, though I had it quite a number of times this week already. I still crave for it.
Other than my craving, I am happy that I was able to beat my deadline for this week for a very very short side job. I miss the long hours of writing, the rewarding feeling of finishing a project and of course the regular pay. I sometimes wish that I can give up my current job now and just focus on something that I really love to do. But I need to be practical, how can I be a millionaire ( refer to my other blog entry) if I am giving up now?
Just this morning, I am happy to see my mom's househelps. I get to appreciate everything they do to help her, like clean the house, our clothes and other favors that my mom needs. I am thankful that we can afford to have someone do this for us. Only means that we are blessed in many ways. But since every reader of my blog knows that I am full of irony, I still have this nonsense problem again eventhough I am happy. I just want to vent. Actually I just create my own problems whenever I am bored and not busy. I would often look for something that I lack (mostly in my personality) and would endlessly think about it. Perhaps most people are like this, never contented. I know that I have almost everything that I need, even beyond what I need. Hayyyyyyyy life. I just feel like, I've been like this eversince I can remember. I look the same 5 years ago, nothing exciting. I want to do something different but the big question is What??? I also want to learn another language but I've been to lazy to look for a program. I think I haven't improved at all. But hubby told me that I have changed and improved a lot, he seriously think so. Nwei, I hope everything would change by tomorrow, I hope I would have a better perpective by tomorrow. For the meantime, I am dropping my worries and just focus on all the nice things that God has gifted me with. See, I know how to boost my self esteem. :)
tata for now
Thursday, May 1, 2008
Two Timer and more
Wherever I look, it seems like there would always be a two timer. Was I a victim of it at one point? I would never know. But seriously, I suddenly had the knack of writing about it seeing someone within "my vicinity” acting like one. I would sometimes get affected if I know a person who's having this so called-relationship-with-someone knowing they are very much attached. What is more bad news is that their “real” relationship can be categorized as lawfully legal. Yeah, you read it right. This is just so common in our work place( writing this blog entry, I really feel like “gossip girl” lolz). I am not dropping names, right? I am not doing any damage. I am just discussing the topic in a broad perspective. I feel for the other party who isn't aware of it, or if they are even aware, I feel sorry for them. I am not acting as if I am too self righteous or what, but can they be a little considerate?
Whether it be on tv or real life, this scenario is so common. One underdog (sometimes 2) against illicit lovers. I give credit to those who try to do it secretly, it just means that they still value other people's opinion but OMG to those who flaunt it as if its something that they can be proud of. On the other hand, I maybe just saying this because I am not in their position. Well yeah, but atleast be a little discreet coz people around you are not happy seeing it. Actually, I was just trying to associate it with PBB teen edition plus( do I hear “eeeewwwww” side comments? Like so high school?). I've been blogging endlessly and has chance upon blogs discussing the relationship of the teen housemates outside the PBB house. I personally like Nicole( the In-Chick of Cebu) on the earlier part of the show, and adored Josef ( the la sallite) a little bit. For those who avidly support the show, they can attest to the obvious attraction between Josef and Nikki.It was cute at first ( so puppy love) but the way they act out their affection is just toooo much. There are other housemates inside with love teams but not to the extent where they practically bite each other! Talk about raging hormones of teens here.
Well, going back to my blog hopping, it was mentioned several times on TV that Josef has a GF named Mica and Nicole has a BF named Gilo. Their respective bf and gf have been so supportive of their stint in PBB and you could even witness this in their blogs rooting for their love ones. But on the recent episode, Nicole denied having a boyfriend. Her mom ( a guardian housemate) was flabbergasted. She told Nicole to act properly. Josef on the other hand, informed his aunt ( a guardian HM as well) that Nicole is like a sister. Though he admitted already that he feels something for nicole. Now here is the drama, Josef mentioned something on the Live Stream which of course would not be shown on Prime time tv, that his mother does not favor his relationship with his girlfriend because she is a bad influence. I dont really want to elaborate on how bad she was( according to Josef) just please try checking out PEX for blow by blow update about his so called revelation about their relationship. It was just so below the belt for Mica. On Mica's blog, she has a blog entry about her take on this. An excerpt would be “ Well, much to a lot of people`s delight, we are over. It`s over. I AM SO FED UP WITH YOUR LIES,d*mn it. “ In respect to her, I would not post the entire blog entry. So that's it.... too much tv for me. Hahaha
On a lighter note, I am so happy receiving my new batch of Ilog maria products. I can rave about them all night but I won't hahaha. I ordered again a Bee Pollen, bee propolis and royal jelly. Bee propolis is so effective for me and daddy. So I suggest that you should try it out for those who haven't tried it yet. It's really worth buying.
Wednesday, April 30, 2008
Its Just Too Hard To Say NO
Yes, corny as it may sound, it was just too heartbreaking to say no to Starbucks. Hubby and I have been binging on Starbucks frappes for 3 straight days. We are never satisfied with the Tall size and would always order the Grande (never dared to try Venti, one of these days perhaps). Upon seeing the receipt (after all the add ons that cost P30 plus each), I get so guilty knowing we spent so much again over a beverage. But once the Barista calls my name, a devilish smile slowly forms on my lips and just one sip of my specially concocted beverage makes me forget even my name (Who am I? Hehehe!). Its feels like you're in heaven. I can almost see hubby's expression of satisfaction when he sips his trademark, Caffee Mocha. But.... just this afternoon, I painfully uttered the word NO when he asked me to go ahead and order even just the Strawberries and crème frappe (our new shared fave). I suddenly realize that its just too much and too expensive (that is to make it a daily habit). Even when we are almost broke (meaning Starbucks is not within the daily budget), it seems like out of magic more than a hundred extra bucks appear in our pocket awaiting to be joyfully spent. Anyhoo, I am willing to wait this weekend to have my Starbucks fix. Maybe a White Choco Mocha this time?
My fave among the signature blends is the Green Tea Frappucino with Java Chips or perhaps the Blackberry Green Tea. I've tried the Green tea Latte but it did not taste really good. I would prefer the Chai Lattes of Coffee Bean and Tea Leaf instead. Oh by the way, hubby says Coffee Bean's Iced Mocha is his new bestfriend hehehe.
When ordering a Starbucks drink, you will never go wrong with their Frappuccinos. Did you know that Frappe actually means a blend of milkshake with cappucino? You can choose from the Blended Frappuccino, Light Blended and Blended crème.
A brief history about Starbucks and Coffee Bean and Tea Leaf:
It is said that all the Starbucks chain in the Philippines are actually owned by the Rustans' Group. The Starbucks Coffee house is the largest coffee house in the whole world established in 1971 in Seattle, Washington by three partners (two teachers and a writer). Their revenue for the year 2007 alone is US$9.411 Billion.
Coffee Bean and Tea Leaf is a coffee chain which originated from Los Angeles, California. It first opened in 1963. Its revenue for the year 2007 is US$130.1 Million.
So what are you waiting for, order now!!!! Btw, this is not a paid opps of these two coffee chains. :p
Thursday, April 24, 2008
Meeh, just ranting...
They said there are only two kinds of people on earth, I've read different versions of it but the famous line from Indira Gandhi caught my attention, which states: There are two kinds of people, those who do the work and those who just take the credit.
If you were to choose, where do you fall? Better to be on the group who works to earn from it because there is less competition rather than when you fall under the group that takes credit, for I assure you that competition is steep there. People would want to outsmart each other to receive the glory that was not even meant for them. But personally, I think I fall under the group that works, I love working and working though it can sometimes be so tiring, who am I to say that I am not awaiting for recognition or to get some kind of credit for a hard work that I HAVE DONE? Yes, I deserve it if I have worked for it. But never would I attempt to take credit on something I did not work hard for.
But you know what, more often than not, the people around you are most likely people just like you on a different level though. That is not to say that if people next to you have a specific bad habit means you are just like them. All I am saying is we were all created equally, just with different personalities.
hmmm i am getting too boring now. Just ranting, I am too sleepy. I just want to write and write without any specific topic in mind. The entire day, I was just thinking about putting up for our own retirement plan. We need to consider it specially if you were not guaranteed by your company that you'll be receiving something in exchange of your long tenure and loyalty. I wanted to start planning for the retirement plan and soon pay for it but lots of things hinder it. There are those existing bills that need to be paid on a regular basis, mortgages, everyday expenses and others. WAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHH! Why can't just life be so easy? Or am I just making it difficult? hehehe. I miss being young, where you dont have to worry about everything. You can easily be happy, you were never really troubled. Everything is being handed to you but everyone needs to grow up including ME- I know.
I remember when I was just about to finish college, I envisioned myself working in a big company, working my way up in the corporate ladder. Earning and saving a lot so I can afford to retire early-that is before I reach my 30s. But it seems impossible now- coz I am nearing my 30s! EEEEEEEHHHHH. Reality bites!!!!! But it can never be too late right? And dreaming is free. So I wish to dream big. I SEE MYSELF RETIRING at.......35? 40? Oh whatever just earlier than 60, okay?
Monday, April 21, 2008
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This blog is a personal blog written and edited by me. This blog accepts forms of cash advertising, sponsorship, paid insertions or other forms of compensation.
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Saturday, April 19, 2008
Who wants to be a millionaire?
So when do you expect to receive your first million? Many of us gets to earn more than what we can spend and yet we don't stash away a little extra for our own savings. Why is that so? Well, well, well, I can answer that (being guilty of this myself). Primary reasons are the malls. There are many things pleasing to our eyes that even before payday comes, we automatically allocate our extra money(salary less payables) to buying things that catches our fancy. Others have a very expensive sports that they maintain, thus saving is out of question. There are many of us who pays for education, mortgages, real estate payables and others. With the little remaining cash we have on hand, how can we be a millionaire without retorting to “lotto-luck”?
The trick is simple. Just learn to save, no matter how little it is, through time whether it be sooner or later, it will reach millions. Whether it is just a piggy bank savings (tee hee! I have this!) or hard cold moolah, it doesn't matter. It applies the same principle of savings. Sometimes we tend to be impatient awaiting for our money to yield high fast. I bet some of you would somehow take it as a competition on who gets to achieve it first. It's not really the race, it's on how honest you are and on actually getting there while you enjoy the journey to reaching your million (note: beware of those who do it illegally, there are a lot of millionaires who acquired their money out of illegal ways but there are also those who earn it in a decent way).
I on the other hand has been thinking of different ways to reach my first million. Which I think would take more time. I've been thinking of a business that would expedite it and yet I haven't decided on anything yet that is worth risking. I do side jobs which would add to my savings( which at the same time serves as a security money in case fortuitous events would happen like sickness, calamity, blah blah blah blah or that really nice bag that I've been lusting over for months-JOKE! ). I don't mind slaving myself, if the reason for it means more security in the future but I make sure that I still enjoy, when I don't and I get so pressured, I make it a point to tap out. We also tried investing in mutual funds (this is very risky and yet others really succeed) but turns out our current market is not performing well. So we need to buy out before we are face with the fact that we don't have any remaining money for emergency anymore. I wish I could be a little bit more of a risk taker, but if you are not really a wealthy person( that you have SUPER EXCESS money that you can just invest anywhere), you won't really afford to do it. Yet I am still devoting a particular day to shop around for stocks that would perform well in the stock market.
But you know what? I really want to buy my own car. It is really one of my personal goal. It just feel so ironic that I think about buying a car and yet I am thinking about achieving our first million. How can that be? Alas, the answer is to delay your gratification. Yes, Ace! Delaying Gratification is the answer. You can buy that dream car once you have your million on hand (just trying to convince myself here). It's worth waiting for.
Its not all about materialistic thinking here. Let's be thankful for all our blessings. We can always enjoy what we have. Don't just focus on earnings. Just atleast save a little. They say that its best to save atleast 10-20% of your salary, if possible. I know that I am on my way to earning my 1 million. Just start small yet think BIG!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Imagine you are holding it now. Visualize. Yeah the SECRET way. :)
Friday, April 18, 2008
Welcome to the world of PayPerPost!
I love to write about things and do reviews for free but now, I can blog and do reviews and get paid. Isn't that great? PayPerPost is a good opportunity for every bloggers out there.
I have a work colleague who willingly walked me through the process of signing up with PayPerPost and she answered every questions I had.
I haven't thought of anything particular yet to do with the money that I would earn from PPP. I think I would probably save them up and then spend it bigtime on shopping or save up to buy my own car! Is that possible? Everthing is possible right? I can't wait for it to happen. I know through PayPerPost, I can make it happen.
In everything that you write about, some word of mouth ethics should be observed.
Thursday, April 17, 2008
Pictures Galore Part 2
These two pictures below have nice catchy names:
Claw daddy with real big claws on the resto's entrance

Meet my feet- a super nice name. Who would want to meet my feet? (heheheh yuck!)

Other pictures below have alternative meanings
Nach-o-fast = Not so fast

Landi & Nuti= really I never thought that there is a shoe name such as landi and naughty (it makes me think that when you buy their shoes means your kinda promiscuous)

Rest toe Run= this shoe store has a very refreshing concept. Imagine there are table set ups, likened to a fine dining and you'll see shoes displayed on plates. cool!

When you do RNR, of course food would always be the highlight of the event. Finally, after long months I was able to eat my favorite Crunchwrap from Taco bell. Previously, you can only grab this when you are on St Luke's area. I wish it would be available here in Pampanga. I had the crunchwrap and tried the cheesy fiesta potato for the first time. It was so good. It obviously has a cheese and a sour cream.
Crunchwrap and potatoes

Hubby on the other hand had a Big Brother's burger and onion rings.

I've previously posted the nurse like clothing from Louis Vuitton by Richard Prince. See this one worn by Naomi Campbell. I think it was nice of LV to feature Marc Jacobs and Richard Prince.
Wednesday, April 16, 2008
Beaute Babble and hottest new collections
There's this new cosmetic company that produces the coolest and hippest make ups, its Paul and Joe Beaute. Their collections include colorful confections that would surely make your heart swell. It is a must buy for every make up lovers out there.
For a little background, Paul & Joe was first launched as a clothing company by Sophie Albou and named the company after her two sons. This was in 1995, by 2002, she decided to expand her empire from couture to cosmetics. All her creations whether it be clothing or cosmetics embody a sophisticated yet fun loving femme power.
Below are their limited edition sweetie products:

I so love Lacoste. Has anyone seen their new bag collections? I was in Shang the other day and if I just had enough money with me( except that I am still on a bag buying ban) I would have brought home one of their lovely arm candies.
Summer in the city bag (ang nice noh?)
Tuesday, April 15, 2008
Reviews and Birthday
Below are my feedbacks on the Ilog Maria products that I have already tried.
1. Virgin Honey- I’ve been a strong believer of honey’s benefits whether it be for beauty or health purposes. Other than using it on my face and hair, I also use it as a natural sweetener on my tea. Good thing about Ilog Maria’s virgin honey is that it comes in its purest form, unheated and unfiltered. So you are guaranteed that the freshness is sealed on its container. For those who work in the graveyard shift, it greatly helps because it feeds and heals our liver and can boost our energy. It can also cure asthma, flu, cuts, burns, fatigue, anemia and a lot of things.
Normally, I take a table spoon of this before breakfast (plus a dosage of bee propolis). When you do this regularly, it helps in cleaning your digestive tract.
2. Bee Propolis-they said this is the only powerful probiotic available in the country. A powerful antioxidant. When you say probiotic, what does it mean? Probiotics are good bacterias that promote good digestion and strengthen our immune system. When your have a weak immune system, you are prone to different illnesses, you get sick and viruses can attack you easily.
When you take the propolis, it may taste a little bit eeeky, not that much, can be likened to sipping a lambanog. Its because the propolis was made with aged organic coconut brandy. It is said to be effective in the abatement of rhinitis, tuberculosis, bronchitis, laryngitis, gingivitis (and other illnesses with “TIS” j/k!) also with ulcer and infection of the urinary tract, kidney and gall bladder.
Take about 1 ml or 25 to 30 drops of bee propolis, if possible with your virgin honey (if not available, with juice, water or milk)
Since it is also safe for children, those who are 1 yr and above can take the same dosage as that with the adult’s dosage. If you feel that you are about to get sick and you feel the symptoms of getting colds or fever, take the doses every hour.
3. Bee Pollen- this one really tastes kinda weird. I haven’t eaten a bird or chicken feeds, yet I think it kinda taste the same with bee pollen. But don’t mind the taste because it has great benefits. It is good as a multivitamin supplement and gives you energy. Did you know that it can also prevent prostate cancer for men? Uhuhhh. Convince now? I normally take this before meal.
4. Feminine Wash- I so love this product! Promise! It is also made from propolis gold so it makes it antifungal. It has this fresh feeling after you use it. It smells and looks like a glycerin soap. I think it is not available n liquid form yet. It is a must buy for every girls out there.
5. Propolis Cider Liniment- this is a great substitute for bengay. It soothes tired muscles and other aches and pains.
6. Propolis throat spray- I bring this in my bag everyday. If you feel like you have an itchy throat, spray it directly and you would witness that it eases the itchiness. It can also help prevent cough and colds. It also acts as a breath freshener and good for the gums.
7. Bamboo Charcoal and Bergamot Lime soap- I have this but I haven’t used it yet. Will post review after I’ve tried it. It claims to whiten skin and can beat common skin illnesses.
8. Rosemary Soap- I use this on my scalp during my days off. They said it relieves headaches and depression. Isn’t that cool?
Other products that I want to try soon are: the royal jelly, their milk and honey soap, their lip balm and of course their mosquito repellant. But I’ll be sure to stock on the honey, propolis and throat spray.
Sunday, April 13, 2008
I am happy :)
Happy Birthday to me and my father! It has been almost a month since i started blogging and I did it out of boredom. I use to update it like daily yet, its almost like a weekly thing now. I am just so sorry readers. I have a project to finish and need to do it on or before deadline.
For my birthday, hubby and I decided to ditch our laptops just for a day. But earlier, he has been convincing me to bring our laptops since a WiFi connection is available almost everywhere. But still, I was firm with it. No work for us.
Another year has passed, I grew a year older again and year after year, I never fail to reflect about my purpose in life. What is it really??? hahaha I often wonder if I was sent here on earth to bring happiness to people. We'll duh??? Atleast I think I brought happiness to my husband, my family and friends. :)
A day before my birthday, I was really so down. I think I am like this yearly but come my exact birthday, sudden magic happens. Everything turns out fine and beautiful. I had my birthday presents in advance from hubby...something that I like. He says I need to act like a lady now coz I am no longer a teenage girl. He would like to see less of me wearing shirts and rubber shoes.
I got sweet and beautiful presents from family and friends. Text, email messages and call from friends abroad and family, a call I never got to receive since I am not at my parent's place (from my tita in US, hope to talk to her soon doh and that call was much appreciated).
For the celebration, my brother bought 10 kilos worth of Tbone steaks of which hubby greatly demolished. He was enjoying it, such a carnivorous. He even has side comments that its actually his birthday not mine because he was having the time of his life just binging! My mom cooked great meal for us. I did not have a cake for my birthday( sad) but I had a huge 28 in pizza for a replacement. There are a lot of things that I should be thankful for. God is indeed so good. I am mostly thankful to people who remembered my birthday eventhough I specifically requested for my birthday not to be announced (via company bday corner email). Thank you thank you to all of you. You made me so happy. This kind of happiness makes me forget about my worries at work, really. :)
Some of my mini celebration pictures will be posted soon.
One of my birthday wish (when I get rich) is to buy lots of LV stuffs. I just love LV, seeing it on tv and prints makes me crave for it more. It can wait. I need to be patient. I also have another wish but I wont tell anyone (so embarrassing) hubby knows it.
This dress for LV designed by Richard Prince looks more like a nurse's uniform. Though,it would really look good and classy when worn by tall models.. Grrrrrrrr always them! Where is justice?
Wednesday, April 9, 2008
Equal Opportunity
What am I feeling today? Actually I am neither happy nor sad. Just so so. Something came up and made me sad but it doesn't mean that I should dwell on it. Lovely things around me outweighs my sorrow.
When you think about equal opportunity, what comes into your mind? First word that I can associate with it is fairness. Everybody deserves a chance, it doesn't mean that an opportunity should be focus on just one person just because he thinks he needs it, what about others who are in dire need also and wants to play it fair? It can also be associated with our government. I for one wanted to work in the government. I know I deserve this chance since I passed the Civil Service for professionals but look at mostly the people who holds position in your local government, they are either a relative of these higher ups (NEPOTISM) or was backed up by a powerful person in the government. Where's the opportunity for us who took the exam and passed it? Nada!?! Coz we don't know anyone from the government. It sucks big time but its the reality. Lucky you if you were able to penetrate a decent position in our government without the aid of a BIGTIME boss. I salute you for that! Even so with positions advertised, why do they have age limits??? What if you are able to perform it well than others? Why don't they look at your skills first, if you are trainable, the total package instead of being rejected because you are not on the ideal age anymore. Hello??? Everyone ages, its inevitable.
Have you ever made a personal sacrifice for the benefit of others? I've done this a couple of times. It never hurts to sacrifice as long as you know that the people that you are doing it for are worth it. Take for instance a parent who would sacrifice working abroad and be away from his family just to ensure that they have a bright future. The best way to reciprocate this is to value the sacrifice made. Don't fail the person who did it for you. On a broader perspective, have you offered even just a little prayer for the soldiers who sacrificed their lives/died for their country? Most of us do not understand our soldiers sacrifices which they make every day. Imagine that you're just awaiting for your death, but you still willingly give the service to your country; for the common good of all. My heart goes to our modern heroes. With their acts of heroism, we are saved from possible threats and danger. I do not envy their position, but I envy their courage. How I wish I could be that courageous even when just facing personal problems? We are so lucky that we are not in their position. We need to value our life, our freedom and people who make sacrifices for us. Put yourself in their shoes and you will realize how fortunate you are in your current life. :)
Tuesday, April 8, 2008
Pictures Galore
Below are the pictures I have taken over the past weekends. Not so clear though since they were only taken from my phone's camera.
My brother and his gf bought me a sushi mat since they knew that I love to make our own sushi and maki. I made a wonderful kani maki. They don't look perfect though hehehe

The other day, we went to bretto's for breakfast. Its a deli store with a wide array of cold cuts and cheese. I bought my blue cheese-my fave. I tried most of their cheeses here.

Our order, hungarian sausages with their yummy potato salad-with beets, bacon chunks and a lot of spices.